“The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say.” —Anaïs Nin
Hi there! We are Star and Jake Tavares. We're life partners who run a content writing and editing business. We're also fiction writers and screenwriters. This is our story:
We met in a writing class that I, Star, was teaching at Grub Street, under my old name. Jake had signed up as a student in order to get some manuscript critiques, but the night before the first class, his trusty treadmill broke. For a million and one reasons, Jake could not live without his treadmill. “Can’t afford the class now,” he muttered, ready to cancel. But the following morning, to his astonishment, the machine had started working again.
The universe got its way.
But really, our stories began way before that. The only reason I, Star, was teaching that class was because I’d moved to the U.S. from the U.K. several years before as my then-spouse’s financial dependent. I could only come with him if I agreed to give up teaching and literacy tutoring, and not earn a bean—it was called an H4 visa. “What will this visa do to my career?” I asked myself. “How will I live without a social security number?” Still, I agreed to the adventure.

On Star's Writing Coaching: “Working with Star is truly inspiring. Not only because of their depth of experience and expertise, but because the focus on what’s actually working in the writing gives such a boost to my confidence as a writer and pushes me to explore avenues I never thought possible.” —KL Pereira, author of A Dream Between Two Rivers (Cutlass Press)